Here are a few of the new works I have done. These are images from the library of my computer. I have used some of these random images captured
from my camera and laser printed them on paper. Most of the Printing is done with the wax base pigments, a thin layer of water color or ink can do the job for you. The images can also be manipulated using software like PS to get different results. Best part of this technique is the fact that you need not necessarily paint the background of the image when a photograph can serve as background. I have chosen Black and White Image just to rule out additional color management apart from the tonal gradation alone.
The basic idea behind this experiment is to achieve space with light and shade from minimal effort. The photograph can also act as texture to the image where as the drawings
start floating on top of them with a kind of flat yet two, sometimes three dimensional effect can be achieved. There are certain areas which are covered with ink to create a mask or an upper layer and can reveal the photograph beneath in bits and pieces to generate interest in the subject.
Still there are more possibilities with color images and more PS images along with hand drawings and coloring. stenciling can also help getting a
This particular illusion that I have Mentioned is a huge possibility in a large canvas.
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